A downloadable game for Windows and macOS




In this fast-paced action game dive into your very own D.E.S pod specially designed to dodge evade and destroy enemies with a laser connected between your pod and home base destroy any enemy that crosses your path!


Mouse: control D.E.S pod

use the laser attached from your player to home base to destroy enemies.

Current enemies:

GreyHeck (playtest):

bullet: flies from one end of the screen to the other, cannot be destroyed

cube: starts on screen edge and follows the player until destroyed by laser

Triangle: starts on screen edge and follows the player for a small amount of time before stopping following the player and moving straight, can be destroyed by laser

rectangle: starts as a rectangle, once hit by the laser becomes a square and gains a life

V.1.5.0 has a boss and  some new enemies, download that and try it out (V.1.5.0 has a high chance of glitching or containing bugs if you see any please comment what you experienced, V.1.5.0 is not available for macOS)


Greyheck (playtest) macOS 13 MB
Greyheck (playtest) windows 102 MB
Greyheck (playtest) V.1.5.0 (windows only) 102 MB
Greyheck (playtest) V.1.5.1 enhanced bugfix (windows only) 102 MB
Greyheck (playtest) V.1.6.0 macOS 163 MB
Greyheck (playtest) V.1.6.0 windows 102 MB
Greyheck (playtest) V.1.7.6 (windows only) 96 MB
Greyheck (playtest) V.1.7.7 (Icon, installer, and other features) 78 MB

Install instructions

Windows: install selected windows game unzip the file and run the game, if a pop-up appears saying: "windows protected your PC" click "learn more" then "run anyway"

macOS: install selected macOS game unzip the file and open Finder > Navigating to the application > Right click > Open > Open.

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